About My Blog Called New Dimensions

About My Blog Called New Dimensions I kicked off my first Blogger post on 25 February 2013 with " Is your switchgear getting old? " This was, of course, not my first blog post ever and it was very short, but it was a start. One of my first blog posts was on a platform called Typepad . I don't know why I fancied Typepad at the time. I wrote about ideas being seeds . “Ideas are like seeds that soar across the highways of time seeking the right landing place - they enter by way of silence and have the ability to change your life. Gently they alight on receptive minds and spread their influence in fertile soil. The right attitude causes them to bloom resulting in an aha moment. Combined with imagination infinite possibilities result. Constant meditation adds nourishment to the process causing expansion and assimilation. There are huge benefits to the seeking soul which attracts great ideas like a magnet. If, however, these precious seeds are neglected, they soon take flight...