

drawing of Christ the Redeemer

I went into my blog stats to see where my visitors were coming from – in the last week anyway. It was a fantastic surprise to learn that most of the visitors this past week came from an awesome country called Brazil. I googled the Amazon jungle, and it confirmed what I suspected.  Almost sixty percent of the Amazon rainforest lies in Brazil.

When I was very young, I watched a movie that was filmed in the Amazon and always loved the place. It is a fascinating place and also the largest tropical forest in the world. I once read that the storms in the Sahara lift up tons of dust which get blown by the circulating air currents and a lot of them land in the Amazon. I googled this and I got my confirmation: “Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for plant proteins and growth, which the Amazon rain forest depends on in order to flourish.” (Link: It is so good to know that an intelligent being called God designed the world in such a wonderful way.

Another interesting fact about Brazil is that most of the people there speak Portuguese. I have Portuguese friends that I used to work with that now live in Portugal. I think I should ask them if they have any friends in Brazil.

There were some people who checked out my blog who viewed what I wrote about Karate. So, I googled what Brazil was famous for and one of the items that came up was capoeira. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art and game that includes elements of dance, acrobatics, music and spirituality.

It is known for its acrobatic and complex manoeuvres, often involving hands on the ground and inverted kicks. It emphasizes flowing movements rather than fixed stances; the ginga, a rocking step, is usually the focal point of the technique. Though often said to be a martial art disguised as a dance, capoeira served not only as a form of self-defence, but also as a way to maintain spirituality and culture.

That was very interesting to discover and something I had never heard of before. Then of course there is coffee from Brazil – very good and enjoyable. Also, the Samba Carnival which must be an experience to behold. Something I would definitely visit if I had the chance would be the statue of Christ the Redeemer. The Bossa nova is also mentioned because Brazilians love music and dancing.

All these things make Brazil an interesting country. Let’s not forget the soccer!

I think there are similarities between South Africans and Brazilians. A large majority here love soccer. We also love dancing and music. Some of our population enjoy Karate and martial arts. Alot of our population dance when they protest. They love music and enjoy drinking Brazilian coffee. Christ is also revered here, and people here also enjoy carnivals. Some of our populations are Portuguese.

Thanks for reading.


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