Best Blogging Advice Ever - Thank you.

I have been wanting to change the look of my blog for quite some time now and managed to get some inspiration today, so I put together this image (above). Sometimes you get inspiration from people and places that you never imagined. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would finally post an article on my blog that would attract so much attention. My very recent post titled " Best Blogging Advice Ever! " has attracted quite a lot of attention, especially from Poland, America, South Africa, Germany, Portugal, Russia, France, Austria, Spain and Ireland - in that order. It's a good thing and I'm very grateful for all the visits. Blogging is fun, rewarding and a great way to learn and grow, yet quite scary when you realise that sometimes people are looking for something special that could help them - I do believe that this was it because the figures are still climbing all the time. Well, a new look is overdue and I will work on that. I will also see if I can ke...