Choose Maret Pro Lab For Photographs

Last year I was commissioned by Maret Pro Lab to take photographs of a school concert. I immediately agreed since they were my client and needed assistance. I must say that I was a bit nervous because their photography is of an exceptionally high standard and I didn't want to disappoint them. Well, the evening came and I pitched up at the venue rather early to reconnoitre the place and take a few test shots to get my camera ready. Once things start happening there's no time to fiddle with camera settings. It was quite a difficult assignment because I had to take as many photographs of the kids as I could during each session but the parents preferred individual shots of their children. The lady in charge had rented a huge backdrop and the kids were outstanding in their performances with the most colourful costumes I've seen in a long time. It was the most professional performance for children so young. Once everything started I had a small window of opportuni...