My Plans for the Summer of 2017

I plan to have an exciting Summer of 2017. We are currently nearing the cold Winter months of the South African highveld when temperatures plummet to near zero degrees and we have to don extra warm clothes to keep warm - something I don't look forward to. But, alas, when Summer comes I will be taking a trip to the sea. My last visit to my son at the coast was like a breath of fresh air. From his house, we can walk to the beach and enjoy the sound of the waves and a cool mist of spray on our bodies. I love the sea and long to feel the powerful energy of the waves as I body surf. Then we have a lot of catching up to do and talk about all the happenings since we last visited together. My two grandchildren love my wife and myself and we need to spend some time with them. I will be asking them how they are finding home-school. On our return home, we will also visit my second-eldest son who lives a bit further inland from the coast. Michael recently got a new job updating catalo...