Joburg Gasshuku 9 Sep 2018

The next Johannesburg Karate Gasshuku will be held on 8 September 2018. For more information, you can go to the website to get more details. There is no doubt that anyone who is a karateka earns our respect. There have been many movies depicting the sheer brilliance of individuals defending themselves against attackers with martial arts techniques, usually bare-handed. One particular film star that comes to mind is my favorite, Jackie Chan. I love watching the guy going bananas ducking and diving and kicking his way out of several attackers. I just Googled some facts about Jackie Chan and discovered that he is a black belt in Hapkido and also knows other martial arts as well. To the uninformed like me, it all seems like karate, but I am probably insulting the martial arts purists when I make statements like that. However one looks at the sport of karate and martial arts you have to agree on one thing. You don't mess with those guys because you are going to get your bu...