Quiche Delight

On Friday afternoon Maggie, my wife, decided to bake her third quiche . Even though she uses a recipe as a basic guide she adds her special touch when she bakes or cooks a meal. The last time I posted an article about her and my granddaughter baking a quiche it was a combined effort. This time she was focused on perfecting every part of the process. Maybe it was her mood or an even better frame of mind, or practice. But the end result was totally delicious. When we married it was the first time she had to cook meals and she struggled quite a bit. Fortunately, a neighbour came to our rescue and regularly took Maggie under her wings and taught her the basics of cooking - love that woman. Since then the meals kept on improving and today I wouldn't have anyone else prepare our meals. It's like a feast for a king when she cooks or bakes and I am always treated to culinary bliss at mealtime. When we have friends over she is always complimented on her meals. Maybe sometime ...