The Moon Made Me Do It!

I remember a glorious afternoon in the park with friends. I was eight years old and living in Cape town a block away from the Gardens . My family lived in a flat opposite a small hotel where we witnessed drunken fights almost every Friday night when the locals had too much to drink. My friends lived down the road in a lovely red brick house and that afternoon we were playing on the beautifully manicured lawns as monuments of old heroes watched on in silence. With a brisk run and a mighty heave, I flung my chuck glider into the air and watched with delight as it arced up higher and higher then settled into a graceful glide back to earth. This was so much fun that I was unaware of the soccer game my friends were having on the next field, then they called me to join in. Being young and energetic I soon became enwrapped in the fun running here there and everywhere chasing the ball. We were having so much fun that we hardly noticed that it had gotten dark and the park light...