Cherry Picker - Good Deed

A post from October 2018 about my favourite client just came to mind this afternoon. The post that I wrote about what they did for their community attracted a lot of readers and must have created a lot of goodwill for that cherry picker company. During this time of COVID-19 lock-down it’s important that we remember such generous acts from people who care about others. SA Platforms, a fantastic client of mine, sponsored a cherry picker to assist with a power outage problem in the Risiville/Three Rivers East & Property Community . They are people with big hearts and I'm proud to be associated with them. I have promoted their services before and this proves that SA Platforms is a community-conscious company that can be trusted to deliver valuable services at all times. Below is a copy of a message thanking them for their assistance. A HUGE BIG Thanks to / for sponsoring the cherry picker for BXC to use in ou...