Blue Monday - (How I Coped)

Monday morning I woke up at 5:30 am and wondered what this day would be like. It was dark and cold with the temperature frozen at about 7 degrees. I switched the kettle on as well as the radio. At 6:30 am we drove to our church to for our monthly business breakfast. That was quite enjoyable. When we arrived home I found a bunch of urgent messages on WhatsApp. The next half an hour I spent sorting a client's email account out. No sooner had I handled that crisis when I received an email from a new client who couldn't access the website I had created for him. So I had to explain how he could enter the domain name in Google and his website would come up. The next call was from another client asking when I would deliver his calendar. So that was my next assignment. On the way there I popped in at Builders Warehouse to price a post box for my wife. I found one and took a picture of it with my iPhone. As I was about to leave I found a lady struggling to lift her basket o...