Our Rich World!

On December 7, 2019 I started watching YouTube for a bit of relaxation. As a self-employed person looking after customers’ websites, I have spent most weekends this year working for other people and not having much time to relax and enjoy myself. So, I could be excused for a bit of me time. I started blogging round about 2012 . (Although this one goes back to 2013). The idea was to have fun while writing about my experiences – a way of sharing. It started pretty well, and I had a great time, However, lately I have fallen into a rut. So, this is an attempt to get back into writing a bit about what I really enjoy and maybe you will have a better reading experience. Just after I got married, I was fascinated by home-built aircraft and fanaticised about building my own. It was a time when people in America were going crazy building all kinds of flying machines one could only dream of. I’m mad about flying machines and design and build and fly my own radio-controlled planes as ...