Human Rights Day 2017

Here is a "reality show" look at the start of my Human Rights Day on 21 March 2017. No, I'm not attending some mass rally. It's far too crowded and I love to do my own thing and relax when I get the chance. I woke up at 4 a.m. and made myself a cup of hot tea and settled into my lazy boy chair to read my new ESV bible. The passage I read was about the martyr Stephen who was stoned for speaking his mind. The amazing thing was that he gazed into heaven and saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God. What an experience that must have been. All I can say about that is that there certainly has to be another dimension that we are not always aware of and don't see. When I started this blog I decided to name it New Dimensions because of the many subjects I would be writing about. New dimensions also refer to many new experiences I would be having and write about. So far I've reported on things like wanting to scuba dive and then being invited to a scuba divin...