
Showing posts with the label face masks

Morning Walks

This doesn't look like a morning walk. That's because Maggie wanted to finish the masks for our son, Michael, and his family in Pietermaritzburg. I also asked her to make some for another family. Then, it was time for my special coffee that I make by boiling the milk in the microwave. Then I use a special attachment to whisk up the milk to foam. This is poured onto the top of the coffee once it's done. The result is a creamy cup of the finest coffee and a delightful drink. We usually have one of those in the mornings. Yesterday we prepared a piece of ground in the corner of our yard to plant carrots and beans. Of course our dog had to go and walk all over our garden patch. No ears! We haven't given up walking. Just took a break for some important things. Thanks for reading.

COVID-19 Walking-Day 2

Day 2 of our walking started a bit more organised because I understood the exercise app on my phone better. We left at 6:14 am and I noticed that we didn't have our masks on so we went back to fetch them and started over.  As you can see from the photo above (lower left) it was earlier and darker. Slight puffs of pink streaky clouds decorated the blue sky. It was another glorious morning and the birds cheered us on. Because it was earlier than yesterday we didn't expect to see the same people along the way. However, there are certain spots where our course was going to intersect with others and it did. You can see that today I secretly photographed them as they passed us and greeted us. I made their photos small so that it's impossible to make out who they are. These photos above are of myself and Maggie walking on the road that passes by the school in our neighbourhood. You can see the beautiful trees that form a canopy over the road going into the dis...