I Wrote a Book

MY BOOK UPDATE: 24 JUNE 2024 Just as I was in the process of publishing my e-book I was informed that the company I used to work for was sold and that I should rather not go ahead with it. That led to a huge disappointment and was a setback. However, being a resilient person I started over again and gained fresh knowledge that enabled me to produce something new. Therefore, I have deleted the first few paragraphs of this post and am supplying this update on 22 January 2025. The new book will be available soon. When I started on the journey of creating my first book I had very little information to start with but the information started coming to me as I persevered. I know that some people started getting frustrated because they couldn't see how I was progressing, but the wait will be worthwhile. This is my first book and I have used creativity to produce its contents. Watch this space. I love books. I love the smell of them and the way they feel. When I started school I always look...