I Wrote a Book

a girl in a book


Just as I was in the process of publishing my e-book I was informed that the company I used to work for was sold and that I should rather not go ahead with it. That led to a huge disappointment and was a setback. However, being a resilient person I started over again and gained fresh knowledge that enabled me to produce something new. Therefore, I have deleted the first few paragraphs of this post and am supplying this update on 22 January 2025. The new book will be available soon.

When I started on the journey of creating my first book I had very little information to start with but the information started coming to me as I persevered. I know that some people started getting frustrated because they couldn't see how I was progressing, but the wait will be worthwhile. This is my first book and I have used creativity to produce its contents. Watch this space.

I love books. I love the smell of them and the way they feel. When I started school I always looked forward to the brand new books we got at the beginning of the year and I couldn't wait to learn what was in them. So, books had this magical quality that fascinated me. It didn't matter whether it was fact or fiction as long as it looked interesting. If the books had beautiful pictures in them, I wanted to read them even more. At the end of the year at prize giving I just loved it when I was given a book prize. I still have one after all these years.

It's no wonder that I have always wanted to create my own book. About just over a year ago I decided to see if I could at least finish a short book for starters. I started well but got a bit bogged down with details without thinking about making the storyline simple. Work also got in the way and other interests side-tracked me a bit. Friends who wanted to support my efforts got frustrated with all the waiting and some other things happened to influence me not to finish the book. One person made a remark about a certain subject that really upset me and I thought why should I even carry on with my book if that was their attitude.

A few weeks ago I just jumped in and finished the book in one day from all the typing I had done. Although, I still need to make some changes, just like they do when reading through a manuscript and decide to change the storyline to make it better. 

One of the many factors that influences the book is the people who will be reading the book. My audience will be truly international for the simple reason that the readers of my blog (this one) are from United States, Singapore, Iraq, United Kingdom, South Africa, Canada, France, Australia, Germany, Finland, Ireland, Netherlands, Russia, and so the list goes on. It changes every week. It has taken me years of writing blog posts to build up a such a list of readers that come to my blog and read about things. It is for those people that I write. I believe that you will want to read my book because it has been written in the same style that you see in my articles. Fiction is awesome, but real life experiences is beyond awesome, especially when you are able to share unusual events that still fill you with wonder long after you lived them.

I wrote this blog post in December and here we are on the first of January 2024, a brand new year with unlimited possibilities, a new page in the chapter of our lives. May you be filled with many different blessings this year so that you can look back in December and be satisfied that it was a great year. On that subject it's what you do that matters and shapes your future. This was my purpose when I started New Dimensions as a blog. It is when we try new things that our lives are truly enriched. Last night we made new friends and our opinions of them have changed for the better - that's awesome to say the least. Now we are able to view them in a totally positive and different light.

As soon as the book is ready, I will announce it on my blog. Thanks for your interest and for visiting to see what I write about.

A Journey of Unforgettable Experiences

This is my first eBook which will be made available as soon as the latest update receives approval. 


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