Lap en Lag Quilting | Local News - Kempton Park

Once a month the ladies from a group called Lap en Lag (Quilt and Laugh) take turns to host a meeting where they hand completed projects in, discuss points of interest and learn something new, among other things. Their latest session was on Wednesday, October 12. Normally they start arriving just after nine and Maggie welcomed Annetjie, Esther, Marietjie and Tessa. The last member, Dora, could only attend later. As the only male in the vicinity, I kept myself occupied with work in my office next door from where I heard them chatting and laughing as they shared news and recent events with each other. A while later they brought out their latest project, which was blocks with cats on them created for Marietjie. Each member had to finish 2 blocks and hand them over to her. This way Marietjie ended up with a whole lot of blocks made by her friends. They do this on a monthly basis so that each member ends up with all the blocks she needs to create a beautiful quilt for herself. That’s fr...