
Showing posts with the label Art with Alcohol Markers

A Better Picture (And Book)

  It has been a while since I last wrote an article. I have been quite busy with a number of things, especially the changes needed for my book. Just when I was trying to put it online three things happened in quick succession to derail the whole project. The app that I was using to display the book online gave me two problems. First, it would not allow me to upload my changes anymore. Second, it did not function properly when the shopping cart also did not work. When I contacted them for explanations, they just gave me excuses. They did not provide me with any solutions. Just after that, I was told that the Frasers brand was sold a number of years ago and that it would be advisable to rather not write about that company. After all the effort I had put into the book glorifying Frasers and the people that worked there, I had to discard a lot of my material. So much for the glory days of that company – very sad. Unfortunately, some of my friends might be disappointed about that and mi...

Art With Alcohol Markers

  One day I watched a video where a gifted artist sketched a building and used alcohol markers to colour the sketch in. There was no messing around with water and paints and the paper did not buckle because no water was used. I thought that it would be wonderful if I could do the same. I proceeded to buy some alcohol markers to experiment with. That was where I learned that it was much harder than I thought. For one thing I found it difficult to avoid making marks when I coloured in with my new markers without creating lines when I moved them back and forth on the paper. It looked aweful. Then I also saw that my marker ink was far too bright on the paper. Another thing that I disliked was that the ink bled right through the paper to the other side. All my efforts looked far worse than my watercolour paintings. I hated them. To find the right markers and paper became an obsession but no matter what I bought I could not get satisfaction. I was about to give up when I recently decided...