Dedicated to Women - Art

Art - face of a woman

When time began the man was alone without a companion, so he was put into a deep sleep and a rib was removed from his chest. It was used to create her. When the man woke up and saw her, he fell head over heals in love with her. She was spectacularly beautiful. Together they formed a bond, and, in the evenings, they fellowshipped with their Creator. They could speak to animals which listened and obeyed them. They had that kind of power and dominion with words, just like the Creator.

One day, Havah (Eve) met a serpent who deceived her with crafty words and she and the man disobeyed the Creator. As a consequence, they had to leave their abode called Eden.

Years later, the Creator appeared to Abraham and told him he was going to have a son in his old age. His wife, Sarah laughed when she eavesdropped on the conversation. She endured many years of being childless and had become old. Consequently, the boy was called laughter (Isaac).

Much later, the Creator’s people were about to enter the promised land and woman called Rahab helped a few of their spies escape from their enemies in Jericho. She had been living a life as a prostitute but put her trust in the Creator.

Jeshua was seated at the table in the house of a Pharisee one day about to have a meal when a woman began to wash his feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. She kissed his feet and anointed them with fragrant oil. She knew she was a sinner. Jeshua turned to Simon the Pharisee who was judging her and set the record straight. He then turned to the woman and said, “Your sins are forgiven. Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.” A little further in the gospel it mentions Mary called Magdelene out of whom had come seven demons.

One day Jeshua stopped at a well in Samaria to rest. A woman came to the well and he asked her for a drink of water. He talked with her and said, “Go call your husband and come here.” The woman answered and said, “I have no husband.” He then told her that she answered correctly and that she had five husbands before and that she wasn’t even married to the man that she was with.

All these accounts of women speak of hurt those women endured. I can continue telling of more examples, but it isn’t necessary. My painting is a face of a woman showing many colours on her face. Those lines could represent different nationalities or even different kinds of makeup. Whatever the reason, if we look into a woman’s eyes carefully enough, do we see the pain inside her soul from hurt or abuse?

I dedicate this piece of art to the many women who have been hurt but keep a bold face in spite of that and enrich our lives by their very presence and kindness. They are bearers of life and love and beauty. Let’s treat them well like royalty and with the respect that they deserve. Be kind to them from now on. They are God’s creation.


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