The Answer to Trouble

A shanty house with a scripture painted by Ron Ashworth

Friday 6 October 2023
Last night I decided to paint a newer version of my first picture for this post - just for the fun of it because I wanted to update this post.

The idea of using a house for this post is an apt one because in the New Testament Jesus (the Good Shepherd) said if you build your house on the rock (a proper foundation which is His Word) then, when adversity comes, your house will withstand all the storms of life and trouble. As a believer there are other things we can do. In Ephesians we are encouraged to put on the whole armour of God and in Proverbs we are told to guard our hearts because all the issues of life come from there. We can also speak the Word of God over circumstances and use our trust and faith in God to change circumstances. Lastly, we are encouraged in the book of James to exercise patience during the storms.

So, the storms aren't gone yet and we are doing our part while we stand in faith for circumstances to improve. This is not the first time these things have happened and we know that there is always light at the end of the tunnel because the Good Shepherd has us in the palm of His hand.

Thursday 10 August 2023
This morning I flicked my Bible open to see what appeared on the page where I opened and found the scripture regarding trouble.

Since good times never always last, the same applies to trouble. All of us face trouble of some sorts during our lives. I know I have had lots of those and also lots of good times too. The one thing that is a constant in my life is the Word of God. The same scripture that I saw twenty years ago is still there unchanged.

For instance, Psalm 23 which is well known to many people. The LORD is my Shepherd. He was my Shepherd twenty years ago when I was struggling and He brought me out of my trouble. Today, if I open my Bible it still says the LORD is my Shepherd. The word still says He leads me besides still waters, restores my soul. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I don't have to fear because He is even there with me. He even prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. I get anointed with oil (that expensive stuff from the Ukraine) and my cup runs over. And I can look forward to goodness and mercy.

See what I mean? Those words have never changed, but my circumstances will change for the better because I have a GOOD Shepherd. I hope you have been encouraged and that your troubles will be fewer.


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