About My Blog Called New Dimensions

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 About My Blog Called New Dimensions

I kicked off my first Blogger post on 25 February 2013 with "Is your switchgear getting old?" This was, of course, not my first blog post ever and it was very short, but it was a start.

One of my first blog posts was on a platform called Typepad. I don't know why I fancied Typepad at the time. I wrote about ideas being seeds.

“Ideas are like seeds that soar across the highways of time seeking the right landing place - they enter by way of silence and have the ability to change your life.

Gently they alight on receptive minds and spread their influence in fertile soil. The right attitude causes them to bloom resulting in an aha moment. Combined with imagination infinite possibilities result. Constant meditation adds nourishment to the process causing expansion and assimilation.

There are huge benefits to the seeking soul which attracts great ideas like a magnet. If, however, these precious seeds are neglected, they soon take flight and disappear from our attention and are easily forgotten. Nail them to your memory.

Look around and see how ideas have become things. Marvel at this and pay proper attention to the right ones - they sometimes arrive unannounced!

If you enjoyed reading this moment of enlightenment, please let me know. You can just press the like button on Facebook and share it with a friend.

This was an exercise to improve my skills as a writer. Hopefully I have improved somewhat.”

I don’t know why I stopped writing on Typepad because I got such a positive response from people there.

In September of 2011 I already wanted to write a book but never got very far with it. Maybe it was because I decided to practise a lot of writing by blogging. Nothing wrong with that idea.

If you go back to my “ideas are like seeds” article I suppose my writing did improve a bit because one gains more confidence with exercise. I certainly gained more exposure worldwide. That’s the power of the Internet.

Today I checked my recent exposure stats and found that I have readers in the following countries:

United States – 39

France – 19

Russia – 4

Germany – 3

South Africa – 3

Nigeria – 2

Pakistan – 2

Belgium – 1

Moldova – 1

Netherlands – 1

Sweden – 1

That’s just very recently. In the past there have been readers from many other countries. I had a look on Google to see where Moldova is and discovered a delightful place and also got the following information:

 “Moldova, an Eastern European country and former Soviet republic, has varied terrain including forests, rocky hills and vineyards. Its wine regions include Nistreana, known for reds, and Codru, home to some of the world’s largest cellars. Capital ChiÈ™inău has Soviet-style architecture and the National Museum of History, exhibiting art and ethnographic collections that reflect cultural links with neighboring Romania. ― Google.” Isn’t Google amazing?

I think blogging is amazing. I also noticed that Moldova is right next to the Ukraine. My heart goes out to its people. You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. The whole world situation about Russia and the Ukraine has even affected me and my country South Africa. Food and petrol prices have soared recently causing our people to suffer the consequences.

Getting back to my “ideas are like seeds” article, I believe completely in the idea of peace coming to that situation and the people there. It doesn’t matter who is to blame and for what. The sooner we can have peace we can carry on with making this world a better place for our children and future generations.

Not long ago I bought The Science Book and The Maths Book printed by DK Penguin Random House which both cover the histories of the development in these two fields over time. It took brilliant minds from many countries to develop science and mathematics to a point where we can do and invent wonderful things, yet some people want to focus on what they don’t have and cause untold hardship on others.

If we ever get to Mars and start colonising it, would we be taking the same selfish tendencies with us and spoil another planet as well? My wife and I face “friends” on a regular basis with their own ideas about life. Many of them would not agree on some things about what is right or wrong and we are sometimes made to feel like we are a lesser species than them because of what we have or don’t have or our backgrounds and education. All these ideas and notions are based on superficial knowledge or erroneous facts because people don’t think deeper about us. It only shows how they are missing the point. May we all become more considerate and kinder human beings and less self-absorbed or important in our own eyes to let the sun shine brighter for other people. After all, when we die, we get put in a box and buried or burned. All our earthly belongings or status vanish in an instant. We then get judged on how we lived and treated other people.

 By the way, my book about our lives and Frasers and Lesotho is coming along nicely. When it is done, I will be writing and article with a link on where to buy a copy. It’s about a time when Maggie and I took a step away from ourselves to visit Lesotho to experience conditions there first-hand and extend a hand of love and hope to its citizens. We are just ordinary people with no special titles that care about other people and don’t criticise others.


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