Daniel Smith Watercolor Paints


Daniel Smith Watercolor Paints
Daniel Smith Watercolor Paints always intrigued me. When I started my watercolor painting journey I had never heard that name. That was because I just jumped in and bought the wrong paints that caught my eye.

Where I live we only have PNA stationery and art supply shops. I visited one and looked for the most impressive looking box of paints and purchased acrylic paints instead of watercolor paints. When I looked on YouTube for something to get started I then realised that I should be trying watercolors to paint something I saw there.

The people presenting their tutorials were forever mentioning the best brands and Daniel Smith was usually mentioned. When I visited the PNA again, they did not have that brand in stock - only oil paints.

Since I heard them usually talking about Daniel Smith watercolors, I decided to search for it online. There I discovered that Artsavingsclub stocked what I was looking for. Unfortunately, by then I had invested in Mont Marte watercolors. That was not a bad choice but it was not the top brand according to many of the YouTube artists.

Because I was already heavily invested in a few brands, I could not just leave what I had purchased and start all over with Daniel Smith. It was all my own fault anyway because I was too hasty with my choices. I tried ignoring the urge to change but that nagging feeling kept cropping up from time to time.

In June, my birthday month, Artsavingsclub were offering a handy discount on some of their Daniel Smith watercolor paints. I decided to ask my youngest son, Lee-Roy, if he would buy me a small set for my birthday. He agreed. I finally received them at the beginning of July which was fine by me. I opened them up and tried a color or two and I found the colors to be extremely rich. They exuded quality.

My picture at the top of the page is no masterpiece but I always try a paint by creating different swatches to see how they perform on 140 lb watercolor cotton stock before I use them in my painting. That way I can get to know how to work with them. So far, I intend trying some of the other pigments that Daniel Smith have created.


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