New Wine Watercolour Painting

new wine

Watercolour painting involves a lot of learning and much practise and keeps me motivated to produce better results. The important word here is practise because just reading and watching and hoping doesn't produce the desired results, which is to improve over time. However, when I practise my skills just to keep being busy and relax and allow mistakes to happen, I find that I am still learning to improve my watercolour skills.

I call my latest painting new wine because I did paint something similar a while ago and used it to create a simpler version. I didn't over plan what I was going to draw and paint, I just went with the flow and still managed produce something that I could work with. One thing that I have learned over time in my efforts to paint with watercolours is that I need to persevere while I am painting because it usually doesn't look so glamorous until I add the black lines which makes my painting stand out from the white paper. If you remove all the black from this painting it will lack the punch that makes it look good.

So, this is my style for now while I am learning the art of watercolours. Whatever I produce I want to enjoy and be proud of. Nothing wrong with that. Now, there is something very different about this painting which you actually can't see just by looking at it. Because I have been hunting for a quality pink paint and haven't found that magic bullet yet I have resorted to buying watercolour pencils where I did find a pink one. And being naughty I decided to also use a pink alcohol marker on two of the grapes. If you look carefully you may notice them because they are nice and even/flat.

A few of the other colours were painted with watercolour markers, like the dark blue and yellow. The lighter blue grapes were coloured in with watercolour pencils. What you do is colour in with the pencil and then use a brush with water to change it and spread the pigment until things look better. Because I was just enjoying the exercise of painting and using different methods I did make a few mistakes which I had to edit out with Corel Paintshop Pro and also fix a bit with Photoshop. Not much of that though.

Lastly, I used my real watercolour paint for the orange liquid in the jar on the right. I did that because I didn't want a last minute mess if my watercolour pencil skills couldn't do the job decently. So, this painting was mostly coloured with watercolour pencils, watercolour markers, one pink alcohol marker for two grapes and black fineliners. All of this was a new experience for me. You might want to read about how I started watercolour painting here.

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