Small Actions - Big Results


Dogs working together

The picture above is from a video where one dog struggled to carry the branch and came to a fallen tree in the path where it couldn't continue. The second dog came to the rescue and helped to get the branch past the log and together they ran along with both of them carrying the branch. Someone shared the video on LinkedIn which I enjoyed and also added my own story as well.

Small actions often lead to huge results. Let's apply this to 2024. For instance, add a little kindness to relationships and how we treat people. The results can be astounding. Add a little more value to others and see big results. Isn't that what this is all about? Most people will try and pull you down to their level. Just respond with a kind word, then be quiet. That will hit home. I think people will respect you more and you will stand out from the crowd. Maybe we should apply that in how we think about our country and load shedding. Get ourselves into a positive frame of mind instead of complaining and DO SOMETHING POSITIVE INSTEAD. Maybe I'll make that my motto for 2024 and by December look back and see the difference for myself AND OTHERS. Thanks for sharing this very positive video.

Since I wrote this post on LinkedIn a while ago, I started applying this principle to my relationships with better results from the people I dealt with. It wasn't always easy. Nothing is. Yes, a smile costs you nothing most of the time, but when someone presses the wrong buttons in your emotions, it's sometimes a challenge to respond with kindness, a kind word, and a smile.

Once upon a time I came across the term Emotional Intelligence which means that we need to develop the mindset of looking at social interactions from the other person's perspective to be able to handle awkward situations and differences of opinions. On Google it says it another way which probably gives us a better definition: Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to manage both your own emotions and understand the emotions of people around you. 

If you put the two definitions together, and you speak or act from an Emotional Intelligence point of view, by saying something that is kind or helpful or considerate from the other person's point of view, you can have a better impact on how he or she perceives you. You could be viewed by that person in a better light and get a favourable response from them instead of a conflict situation. This takes great care from you as a person but can be helpful to you in the end especially when there is a lot of misunderstanding due to differences of opinion.

Then, the other point I was making is that instead of moaning and grumbling about things that are wrong, I will think first before speaking or acting. It will be better to look at positive things I can do to improve the situation instead of complaining. Again, it's easier to make a negative remark when something is wrong from our perspective, but doing something to improve the situation may lead to better outcomes in the long run.

Think about this. If two dogs can work together to assist each other to move a heavy load, then surely us intelligent and smart humans can surely manage to do the same without grumbling or complaining. Goodness knows why they wanted to carry a branch to wherever they were going. Somehow it mattered to them. There was no hesitation on the second dog's part when help was needed. It is a good example for us.


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