Watercolour Painting Practise

A butterfly sitting on a flower in watercolours

Today I practised some more in another way. I drew another picture and coloured it in with watercolour pencils and then used some water on a brush to add water to the flower. It didn't work like I expected it to so I used coloured markers to deepen the colours some more. The idea was to see if I could eliminate the watercolour paint. That somehow improved things but the original looks better than the photographed version. So I have now added it above. Here you can read about how I started watercolour painting.

A bird with something in its beak.

Sometimes it's nice to also practise something different and completely new to you. So, I decided to see what would happen if I painted something on newsprint. I was surprised to see that one could manage to paint on newsprint and that it handles the water from the paint pretty well. The result is above.

Painting of an old shack

 Recently, I bought painting journals. One was cheap and the other was more expensive. To test the cheaper one first I sketched a picture and proceeded to paint with watercolour paints. The more paint I added the worse it looked. But I persevered and persevered and wished and hoped that the picture would look alright in the end. All part of practising.

Only when I started adding the details in black did the painting start to look better. That is the secret of creating a painting. Once the black is added then that helps to add some structure to the painting and it improves what you are looking at - that's my opinion anyway.

Now I can add it to the collection that I have on display in our lounge. By doing this it motivates me to continue with my art. I was told by a lady who owns a gallery that I should continue painting buildings and specialise in that. I won't do that because I still want to explore painting many different things and that will be good practise for me as a novice artist. 

Yes, I still consider myself a complete beginner. To stay humble is the best thing because I realise that I still have a lot to learn. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy my little victories because each finished painting that looks okay is a victory to me. And I'm proud of my work because I start with a blank sheet of paper, sketch something on it in pencil, take a brush with paint on it and play with it until something gets onto the paper in different places. That transforms the blank sheet of paper into a work of art. My work of art.

I know it is customary for artists to mention the famous brand of materials that they use to create their work of art. I just thought of that and am adding a photograph showing off my materials. This may surprise some people but what I used is Faber-Castell watercolours and I have included the water pencils as well as a lead pencil. Oh yes, I didn't include the Faber-Castell eraser in the photo which is my favourite when I need to remove something. The watercolour set contains 48 colours which have worked very well for me since I am still learning how to mix new colours. I'm very happy with these paints because they are convenient to use and quick. I have other watercolour tubes and sets but for convenience I usually return to my Faber-Castell set.

Faber-Castell Watercolour Paint Set 48 colours


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