More About The Safest Place

People reaching out to a heart shape in the middle

  On , I wrote about the safest place for me because I wanted to share a scripture that I had found that morning that spoke to my heart and circumstances. This morning I woke up to a noise on my roof. I looked at my watch and saw that it was one o'clock and it was very dark outside. Whatever climbed on my roof was moving around because I could hear that. I decided to get up and switch some lights on to let whoever or whatever was up there know I was awake.

I then switched on the kettle and made myself a cup of tea. Since my sleep was disturbed and I was wide awake, I may as well have enjoyed a nice warm cuppa.

Then, I decided to have a look at what was happening with my blog. I found that people from all over the world were visiting. They came from United States, United Kingdom, South Korea, South Africa, Germany, France, Ireland, Singapore, and Canada. So, I decided to write this blog post.

When you are at my age with no means of protecting yourself and your wife who is fast asleep in our bed, you still need some sort of protection. In my case I turn in prayer to my Lord and place us in His care. It has been preached that we need to make God bigger than our problems. The Bible also says that I am supposed to call on Him in trouble. He has promised in Hebrews 13:5-6 "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid, What can mere mortals do to me?"

Those are very powerful words; promised; never; confidence! I have faced a would-be hijacker who pointed a gun at my head, and four youths pinning me down and trying to stab me in the chest but failing, three bigger men than me trying to bully me, a spear thrown at me just missing my heart, a massive car accident (actually more than one), a severe trauma to my heart, the list goes on. Here I am because I have a Lord who decides what happens to me and when I will leave and go and be with Him.

Confidence! That is there in the scripture I just quoted. Yes, confidence in someone I cannot see but believe in with all my heart and strength. He is always with me and looking after me and my wife. I am confident in that. How did I get to know that for a fact? I have spent time in His presence and He has spoken to me and He has made me feel His awesome presence and He has healed me countless times and the list goes on and on.

I know that there are terrible things going on in the world right now. There's poverty, war, natural disasters, violence, the list goes on. One thing is constant and that is that God is always there and we can put our trust in Him no matter what the circumstances. Just don't blame Him for the mess. The Bible tells us clearly who is the adversary. He will ultimately be removed.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Bless you.


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