Cheetahs vs Bulls 2016

I woke up to a fight of heavyweights sparring in a ring above us in the heavens. Each thundering messages and challenging the other to a brutal fight for the championship, a real ruckus as I was disturbed from my sleep at 3 a.m. in the morning. Boom this and crack that they shouted at each other for all to hear, not holding back nor ashamed of their fight for supremacy.

Above me in the dark North and South were putting up a fight for all their fans to see and hear. Just then all hell broke loose and the real fight began after the short buildup. North was first to throw the punches and South got one, two, three in the gut. Like a seasoned pro, having had their 10th straight win this season, South countered with a flurry of 5 skilled blows to North's head.

It sounded like a cacophony of  42 000 supporters were cheering the spectacle on from all sides as the two started their battle in the heavens above connecting and colliding with boom, crack, boom, crack, boom-boom, crack-crack! The result was a massive downpour of welcome rain that pounded the roof with much ado.

Five minutes later the fight above was over and the battle moved on the another arena in the distance. But the damage was done and I lay there awake from all the noise and hoo-ha. My surroundings were bathed in the aftermath of an early morning storm and the ground and plants gladly drank up all the water that came down. I was wide awake and got up to fix myself a hot drink to calm my nerves.

This is about rugby and also about rain that we have been begging for a long time now. We love our rugby and we pray for more rain to come and fill our dams. This afternoon the Freestate Cheetahs and the Blue Bulls will do battle at 4 p.m. for the Curry Cup. The game will be just as intense as the storm early this morning and the spectators will shout loudly for their teams, encouraging them to win. Like the ground and the plants, they will drink in the excitement coming from the arena in the middle.

What is life without some healthy enjoyment? Have a wonderful day wherever you are!


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