
Morning Walks in my Neighbourhood

    Yes, I have changed the name of my article. It is day 4 after skipping a day due to unforeseen circumstances. This photograph looks darker because the mornings are getting longer due to winter. This morning we started at 6 am sharp while it was still dark. The only remarkable thing to report is that we actually went for the walk. We took a different route again and didn't encounter anybody else that was exercising. Maybe it was too early. The distance was 1.95 km - nothing spectacular. But if you add it up over time it is still far better than doing nothing at all. A morning walk or ride on a bicycle is very beneficial to ones health. The reason why we are walking and not riding is because Maggie doesn't have a bicycle at the moment. Walking is the next best thing until she gets a bicycle again. With a bicycle it is easier to travel greater distances faster and you get to experience more than when you are just walking. Ultimately, we are feeling a lot healthier

COVID-19 Walking-Day 3

It is Sunday morning, May 3, 2020. I have spent some time checking out my Facebook notifications, my emails and what is happening on my blog. My thoughts go to a time when I communicated with an author from Seattle by the name of Charlotte Roth. As I look at the worldwide map of the COVID-19 hotspots I decide to enlarge the section around the State of Washington. I know that Seattle is located there on the west coast. The state of Washington has a larger circle than the adjoining states of Montana and Idaho and Oregon which means there are more people affected by the virus. I wonder if Charlotte and her family are safe. My other friend, Ken Findlay, lives in Lantana, Florida in the States. We used to be friends when he was in South Africa a long time ago. I really hope he is safe as well. Then over to Sydney, Australia, where another good friend of ours resides. When you study the Corona virus map on Google, you can zoom into areas and get a better idea of how aff

COVID-19 Walking-Day 2

Day 2 of our walking started a bit more organised because I understood the exercise app on my phone better. We left at 6:14 am and I noticed that we didn't have our masks on so we went back to fetch them and started over.  As you can see from the photo above (lower left) it was earlier and darker. Slight puffs of pink streaky clouds decorated the blue sky. It was another glorious morning and the birds cheered us on. Because it was earlier than yesterday we didn't expect to see the same people along the way. However, there are certain spots where our course was going to intersect with others and it did. You can see that today I secretly photographed them as they passed us and greeted us. I made their photos small so that it's impossible to make out who they are. These photos above are of myself and Maggie walking on the road that passes by the school in our neighbourhood. You can see the beautiful trees that form a canopy over the road going into the dis

COVID-19 Walking - First Day

The 1st May on Workers' Day we were finally allowed to leave our homes between 6:00 and 9:00 am to exercise following five weeks of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa. It was 6:40 am when Maggie and I started out on our walk. I found an exercise app and started the clock. The morning was spectacular with the sun warming up a cloudless sky. The air was clean with not even a breeze, a great introduction to start exercising and enjoying less cabin fever for some time. At first it seemed as if we were two lonely walkers in our immediate neighbourhood and we said, "Look! we are the only ones interested in keeping fit." But a little while later we passed another couple walking in the opposite direction. Then a lady cyclist on a mountain bike came speeding past us. From there, a few blocks from our house more people were taking advantage of the new freedom granted to us. We followed our usual cycling route around the Afrikaans high school. The

From This Moment - New Year's Resolution 2020

"From this moment." Potent words backed by a powerful commitment and decision. Shania Twain made these words popular in her song by the same title. It has been sung at many wedding ceremonies, but they can also herald in life changing commitments, like a New Year's resolution. I'm not one for these New Year's resolutions but this morning I decided it was time to commit to a change in my life. It's so easy to allow circumstances to influence what happens in one's life. To go with the flow and end up with regret and a feeling of despair. Greatness follows the brave who dream big and have a clear vision of what they want their future to look like. When setbacks happen, they forge ahead relentlessly chasing their dreams. I was considering this last night. I offer a service to business owners to increase the visibility and effectiveness of their websites through SEO (known as search engine optimization). It takes a certain amount of trust all round to

Our Rich World!

On December 7, 2019 I started watching YouTube for a bit of relaxation. As a self-employed person looking after customers’ websites, I have spent most weekends this year working for other people and not having much time to relax and enjoy myself. So, I could be excused for a bit of me time. I started blogging round about 2012 . (Although this one goes back to 2013). The idea was to have fun while writing about my experiences – a way of sharing. It started pretty well, and I had a great time, However, lately I have fallen into a rut. So, this is an attempt to get back into writing a bit about what I really enjoy and maybe you will have a better reading experience. Just after I got married, I was fascinated by home-built aircraft and fanaticised about building my own.  It was a time when people in America were going crazy building all kinds of flying machines one could only dream of. I’m mad about flying machines and design and build and fly my own radio-controlled planes as a ho

School Photography - Gauteng

School photographs get taken every year of pupils in their school uniforms to create a lasting memory. The high performers usually line up with their collection of certificates, cups, and medals. It is a proud moment for them. Some of the pupils do so well academically and in sports that there's sometimes hardly any room for all their awards. Other pupils, without the accolades, also proudly pose for their school pictures to be taken. They know that their parents want to see them at their best in their uniforms. The photos will be shown to grandparents, family, and friends. For the photographer, it is a very busy occasion. The lighting has to be just right and an appropriate backdrop has to be set up. Not all the children are always in the mood for photographs so the school photographer has to get them to smile. Then there's a shirt to be tucked in or a tie to be straightened - which could spoil the photo. Or their hair isn't combed nicely. So attention to detail is