
Nesher Private School (Delmas School)

On 4 September 2015 I created a mobile responsive website for an Afrikaans Private School called Nesher ( ). Private schools are important institutions that educate our children and provide an important function in our society. We definitely need smart kids who will lead in the future. Nesher is one of those places that nurtures future leaders. They also make use of Learning Receptiveness Profiles, a brain-based assessment tool to determine the neurological wiring of a child, discovering how uniquely they process information, in which mode they prefer to learn, their emotional readiness for learning and it also indicates areas for further development. To learn more about how this cutting edge technology can help you, click on this link!assessments/c1c5f . Today I posted more photographs to their Opportunities page (Geleenthede) . The photos show the wide variety of activities the pupils enjoy at Nesher. The childre

SA Pool Nets And Covers Mobile Responsive Website

SA Pool Nets and Covers also now have a mobile responsive website so that visitors can access their website via smart phones and make use of their excellent services. They started in 2012 and continue to grow in leaps and bounds. Their website is at . As the name implies they can supply and install swimming pool safety nets, covers, solar blankets and net alarms.

SA Platforms Mobile Responsive Website

SA Platforms now have a mobile responsive website at . They continue doing a fantastic job of renting or selling cherry pickers and mobile lifting platforms of various configurations to companies needing these machines. They also provide excellent training to operators of these machines. Well done!

Trials And Tribulations With A Scooter

On 10 March 2012 I collected my first scooter, a Big Boy 250 cc Citiflite - it already had 2459 km on it since it was second hand. Needless to say I was elated since I love the feeling of freedom that comes from riding a motorbike. But this was a scooter and I needed to adjust to the different style of riding - smaller wheels and no clutch. The ride was much lighter than the BMW 1200 RT that I owned before and it was considerably down on power as well. Riding my newly acquired scooter was wonderful, but it didn't take long for trouble to rear its ugly head. The first problem was with starting. Sometimes it would start and sometimes not. This situation grew worse over time until  it wouldn't start at all. Asking for advice from a motorcycle dealership wasn't helpful eithe. Recruiting a family member to service the scooter lead to another dead end. In the end it was towed away to another dealership where it spent about two weeks in the workshop - part of the problem w

Ultimate Weight Loss Formula

Here is the ultimate weight loss formula. But beware there are some serious side effects when you start the program. You might find yourself spending money on trying to alleviate some of the symptoms to make the experience more comfortable. You may develop symptoms like aches and pains in your muscles all over your body. When this happens don't consult your doctor. Back pains may occur at times. Sometimes another side effect can be the feeling of limbs that feel like lead. Just ignore those feelings. Psychologically you may get thoughts of doubt and wanting to give up. Warning! Ban those ridiculous thoughts from your mind! Another symptom is often loneliness when taking your formula. If that happens, start talking to yourself. Those are the cons. Here are the pros. Lose about 600 g per week if taken correctly. Feelings of freedom and release of stress - euphoria can occur. Being energised for longer periods. Brain functions take a giant leap for the better. Better self

Southern Skies 2015

Southern Skies 2015 24 Hour Race was great. This year the weather was sunny with a slight chill in the air. We arrived in Parys on Friday afternoon and found the perfect spot to camp. A little while later Sean, Janine and kids arrived and we pitched our tents and unpacked our gear. The new additions to our team were Wouter and Mundy. Maggie and I visited the registration counter and also bought some new riding gear. When they announced that the course was open for a test run I was all for it and went for the ride to see what they had created. After climbing and climbing over various sections I finally came across the most awesome downhill stretch. Throwing caution to the wind I allowed my bike to build up speed and I literally flew down the single track as my full suspension mountain bike glided effortlessly over uneven patches. I was tempted to look down at the bike computer on the handlebars to see how fast I was going, but decided that all my attention was needed to remain in

Horses In The Mist Coming Up Again.

On 10th October 2013 I mentioned that I added this picture to my blog post for future motivation. As I sit and type this post I have an aching body. I suppose it serves me right for not riding consistently for more than a year. About two weeks ago I was informed that we would be riding again in the 24 hour race. Late this afternoon we were on our mountain bikes doing 8 kilometres. Around 6 kilometres my backside couldn't take it anymore, but we pressed on. Tomorrow morning I will have to drag myself into an upright position when I get up. Whilst riding I commented to my wife that two years ago we were so fit that we didn't feel a thing at the end of a long ride. Now it's hard slogging to get riding fit again - like starting all over again. We are really looking forward to the event. Both my wife and I have full suspension bikes which should make the ride a lot better. This time I am going to take pictures which will help with my future posts. Hopefully I will find th