Kids With Superpowers


Four kids with superpowers

Superpowers are usually regarded as the ability to fly like Superman or scale up buildings like Spiderman or display immense strength like Superwoman or be as indestructible as Ironman.

There are many kinds of superpowers as portrayed in Marvel comic books and, as a parent, one usually thinks of your children as special with awesome characteristics. To show my children that I think highly of them I created images of them as superheroes. 

Why would I do something like that? Firstly, it's a fun way of showing them off. Secondly, I hope that my creations show them how proud I am of them. Thirdly, they deserve it even if they didn't do anything more to prove anything to me and my wife. By the way, my wife has pretty awesome powers herself. Love, kindness, a bubbling disposition, a strong will, and a heart of gold. She also gave birth to these children who make us very proud.

Each son or daughter has special superpowers in his or her own way. The oldest son also has a heart of gold, can compete pretty well in marathons by running or cycling, and has super-special programming capabilities. He is portrayed as Superman which makes us very proud because of his endurance when faced with extreme challenges. Hence the Superman character.

The second oldest is portrayed as Spiderman because he has surprised us by doing what seemed impossible and has pretty creative talents and a kind disposition. He also excelled in website designing but now works in the creative field. My daughter has a strong character and a strong will. She has managed to keep going when I would probably have given up if I faced the same challenges as her. Her superpowers are many, but she also is a daughter of faith. I am also proud of her and call her my princess. She has a very good heart and is always creating things for her family.

Last is my youngest son, portrayed as Ironman. He is a Marvel fan himself. If I had to tell of all the obstacles that he faced and overcame I would have a much longer story here. When all seemed lost, he came through showing he is capable of programming and climbing higher in the company that he works for. We are super-proud of that and because he can handle pressure and a big workload very well. His wife, by the way, has home-schooled their son and daughter and did a pretty good job of that.

To us as parents, the most important superpower these kids have shown us is their love. All of them are people of faith and have been good parents to their children. They are excellent examples of the kind of children any parents would love to have. They are middle-aged as is evident by their photos.

So, I have changed the subject from what I have usually been writing about. I decided to share this story as something different, but it also shows a bit of my creative side. I hope you liked it.


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