
Silverback is a strange way to start a blog article. It's the name of a mountain bike which I recently purchased. In just over a week from now I will be on my way to ride in the next Mapa 24 hours Southern Skies MTB Challenge in Parys. The new bicycle was procured for the very reason of riding in the challenge. Why did I go to all the trouble and expense of getting yet another mountain bike? Well, when you go to a cycle dealer you are overwhelmed by the variety of choices you are confronted by. Then the sales person helping you could be trying to sell you something that suits him and not you. Quite often I have looked at bikes and was told that a medium would suit me, but that was incorrect. I had made up my mind to buy a Momsen this time, but again I was steered by the salesman in another direction and I ended up buying a Silverback. Nevertheless I insisted that I wanted a small. That was the best decision I ever made because, as it turned out, it was the correct size for ...